Gulf Coast Rally To Demand Speaker Pelosi
Take Action on 4th Anniversary of Katrina
Supporters of the Gulf Coast Civic Works Act (HR 2269) will gather for a rally and press conference on the 4th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in front of Speaker Pelosi's office on Friday, August 28 at noon to demand passage of this federal bill.
Specifically, Speaker Pelosi will be asked to take two small, but powerful actions:
To request that she asks the five committee chairs where the Gulf Coast Civic Works Act sits to report back to her office on HR 2269 before the Congressional winter recess; To sign on as a co-sponsor HR 2269.
The Gulf Coast Civic Works Act—which is co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 30 Congress members and supported by more than 240 diverse regional and national student, faith, environmental and community organizations—would create a minimum of 100,000 prevailing wage jobs and training opportunities for local and displaced workers to rebuild Gulf Coast infrastructure and restore the coastal environment utilizing green building technologies.
The rally will include: A theatrical performance of "President Obama" and "Speaker Pelosi" announcing an important new policy on the 4th Anniversary of Katrina; reflections from survivors of Hurricane Katrina; the reading of the names of the 1,836 people who died in Hurricane Katrina, and the planting of 1836 white flags with the names of each person and age on the flag; the delivering of the attached open-letter to Speaker Pelosi, as well as 10,000 signed petitions in support of HR 2269.
The rally and press conference will be held this Friday, August 28th, 12 Noon, at the Phillip Burton Federal Building at 450 Golden Gate Avenue on the plaza in front of the flag poles in San Francisco, California.
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