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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Feed Hope this Holiday Season with a Gift to Second Harvest Food Bank

Searching for a unique gift for someone who has everything? Looking for a way to thoughtfully remember a loved one or friend? This holiday season consider a tribute or memorial gift to Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana on behalf of someone special. With your gift, you will feed hope to a family, senior or child at risk for hunger in your community. You can also make your donation securely online at:

As the weather turns cooler and the holidays approach, Second Harvest Food Bank is graced with an outpouring of support from communities across south Louisiana. Food drives are critical to help Second Harvest stock its shelves and provide food assistance to thousands of families, children and seniors in need.
If you are planning a food drive to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank this holiday season, we can provide you with items and ideas to make your food drive a success. Don’t forget that you can pick up food collection boxes and tape for your drive at both Second Harvest Food Bank warehouses (New Orleans and Lafayette), Monday - Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Greater New Orleans
700 Edwards Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70123

215 East Pinhook Road
Lafayette, LA 70501
For additional tips on hosting a successful food drive, visit
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