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Monday, August 27, 2012

Mayor Landrieu Declares State of Emergency for City of New Orleans | NOLA Ready

Mayor Landrieu Declares State of Emergency for City of New Orleans, Encourages All Citizens to Get Prepared Now for Impact This Week

August 26, 2012 - In anticipation of impact from Hurricane Isaac, Mayor Mitch Landrieu has declared a State of Emergency for New Orleans, in order to help all citizens and City officials prepare.  The storm is currently moving at 16mph and is expected to reach Category 2 hurricane status by the time it hits land.
While the storm track is still variable, New Orleans may receive up to 12-16" of rain, and feel the impact of sustained tropical storm winds.  ""We are going to prepare to shelter in place," said Mayor Landrieu. "You should think about how you will spend time w/o power or water."  Under current forecasts, New Orleans may feel winds as early as Monday night, with heavy weather Tuesday and Wednesday.  If things change tonight, we will change with the storm and will continue to provide immediate, accurate information to all New Orleans' citizens.
  • 311 will be open 24/7 beginning at 8am on Monday, August 27, 2012.  Do not use 911 for non-life threatening emergencies. Call 311 for any non-life threatening emergencies, as well as to register for City-Assisted Evacuation. Call 911 only for life-threatening emergencies
  • Sanitation services will pick up trash on Monday but will not pick up Tuesday or Wednesday.  City officials ask citizens to secure their trash bins by Monday night.
  • The Mayor will be issuing advisories about school closings by noon tomorrow
  • City departments have already begun activating plans to secure all outdoor construction materials on City projects like the Loyola streetcar.
  • The New Orleans Airport will close down when winds reach 40mph in order to ensure safety of all passengers.
  • City officials are in contact with hotels and conventions in town in order to ensure safety of New Orleans visitors as well as New Orleans residents.
  • As of Sunday, August 26, 2012, RTA buses are still running on normal schedule.  We will update you with more information as this changes.
"All public safety agencies are fully operational, fully ready to go, and are moving any assets they need for any operation," says Lt. Col. Jerry Sneed, Deputy Mayor of Public Safety.  The City of New Orleans Emergency Operation Center will be on 24/7 operation beginning at noon on Monday, August 27, 2012.

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