“What can I purchase with disaster assistance money?” That question is being asked by many Louisiana Hurricane Isaac survivors who have received grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
A vast majority of the grants FEMA is providing to Louisianians are for emergency home repairs or replacement. Recipients may spend these grants in any way that helps them achieve the goal of permanent safe, sanitary and functional housing. Instead of spending the money to improve the habitability of their damaged homes, some recipients may choose to apply the funds to purchasing other housing.
“Survivors do have some choices in how they use housing assistance, as long as they understand they must stay within the guidelines,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Mike Hall of FEMA. “With things in turmoil after the hurricane, we want to get folks into safe housing as soon as possible.”
FEMA also provides grants for temporary housing and other needs.
Read more via FEMA.gov
Thursday, September 13, 2012
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» Hurricane Survivors Have Choice With Recovery Grants | FEMA.gov