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Thursday, June 27, 2019

The heat goes on, but more afternoon rain and storms [ Local Stories]

The Mississippi River is at 15.93 feet. It has dropped below 16 feet a few times, and then bumped back up. There will be some fluctuation, but a downward trend is forecast. There are 32 minor seepage points. 168 bays are open on the Spillway. The flood fight has been ongoing for 245 days. That's for the River at the Carrollton Gage at 11 feet or above. It's been 138 days over 15 feet. The Spillway was first opened for 44 days. The 2nd time it has now been opened 48 days. The flood fight in 1973 was 225 days, but all bays were open on the Spillway.The Corps of Engineers says there will be a slow closing of the Spillway when the river drops to 15.5 feet at New Orleans. That should be the 2nd or 3rd week of July. There is still a lot of water upriver, so this will be something to monitor. The river has to drop below and stay below 1.25 million cubic feet per second.

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