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Monday, November 11, 2019

Where to Eat in New Orleans on Thanksgiving Day - [Eater New Orleans - All]

Plenty of New Orleans restaurants are offering a no-fuss Thanksgiving Day meal | Shutterstock

22 New Orleans restaurants where you can have a top-notch meal on Turkey Day

Turkey day is around the corner, the annual belly busting feast of turkey, pumpkin pie and football. If years past have been closer to a Salvador Dali than the iconic Norman Rockwell scene, maybe it’s best to go out. Here’s a list of 21 restaurants, many in hotels, but not all, that will take care of the cooking and the clean up — just make a reservation and chow down.

Prices exclude tax and tip unless specified otherwise, so keep that in mind.

If you really want to stay home watching the Saints play the Falcons, you can still have turkey dinner. Willa Jean, Cochon Butcher and La Boulangerie all offer soup to nuts Thanksgiving to go. Or try a pecan smoked bird or breast with a menu of sides from Blue Oak Barbecue, from giblet gravy (best $7 you’ll ever spend) to shrimp and andouillie dressing.

Source: Eater New Orleans - All

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