Rain chances stay low through Saturday. Isolated rain is forecast mainly along the coast. 20-30% rain chance Father's Day. Highs will be in the low 90s. You will notice humidity beginning to go up. High pressure in the Gulf will send in warm moist air Monday through Wednesday. Highs will be in the low 90s. 40-50% rain chance.
Saharan dust is moving west across the Atlantic Ocean. The dust creates a warm dry layer that helps prevent or diminish tropical activity. Tuesday we had two areas with a slight chance for tropical development. That is no longer the case. The dust will move across the Caribbean and into the Gulf of Mexico. Looks to arrive in our area late Wednesday, and linger through Thursday and Friday. The dust creates beautiful sunrises and sunsets. It can also create issues for people who have breathing issues. Rain will impact the dust, so will watch that forecast.
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