26 restaurants on New Orleans’s Eater 38 are currently open for takeout or delivery
Of the restaurants that make up the Eater 38, a collection of New Orleans’s essential restaurants, many are closed for the time being due to the coronavirus pandemic, the summer slow season, or some combination of both. As of this writing, 26 are currently open, with many finding creative ways to offer takeout and delivery despite shifting restrictions and limited resources.
From a classic Jewish-Italian deli on Magazine Street to a longstanding Creole icon in Treme to a refined neighborhood bistro in Bywater, these are the Eater 38 restaurants in New Orleans that remain open. The situation locally, and restaurant owners’ responses to it, is shifting day by day, so be sure to check restaurant websites and social media.
This map was originally published on April 2, 2020 and has been updated with more options.
Source: Eater New Orleans - All
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