Louisiana is in the Cone for Hurricane Delta. Right now the NHC and forecast models indicate the potential for landfall near Marsh Island. It may shift, as the hurricane is not even in the Gulf. Storm surge is highest at landfall and to the East of Landfall. Tornadoes often occur in Rainbands moving onshore on the East side of a landfalling hurricane. Delta is a fast mover, so rainfall amounts are not expected to be as bad as you would expect for slow moving hurricanes. 4-6" of rain forecast Thursday through Saturday. The GFS and Euro Model are not that bullish for rainfall amounts across Southeast Louisiana. Tropical force winds are certainly expected with the potential for power outages. There is the potential that Delta may grow in size. Large hurricanes produce higher surges. Right now there is dry air, Saharan Dust and wind shear over the West side of the Gulf of Mexico.
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