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Monday, November 16, 2020

Leonid Meteor Shower [ Local Stories]

Hurricane Iota makes landfall at 9:45 pm with 155 mph winds in NE Nicaragua. Landfall was about 30 miles South of Puerto Cabezas or 15 miles South of where Hurricane Eta made landfall November 3rd with 140 mph winds. Iota even went over part of the same path that Eta took before landfall.

Iota is the strongest hurricane of the 2020 season. Winds were as high as 160 mph. It is also the latest Cat 5 on record. The previous record was the November 8, 1932 Cuba Hurricane. That hurricane at one point had 175 mph winds, but made landfall in Cuba with 140 mph winds.

Iota is forecast to cause 10-30 inches of rain. The storm surge of 15-20 feet. It will diminish quickly as it moves across Central America, but cause major flooding.

The Leonid Meteor Shower takes place overnight. The best time to view is early morning before sunrise. There is the potential for 10-15 meteors an hour. It's going to be chilly, so definitely jacket weather. Get away from City Lights, get comfortable and look up!

from Local Stories

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