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Saturday, December 05, 2009

Threadhead Records Foundation Announces Inaugural Round Of Grant Funding

The Threadhead Records Foundation (a 501(c)3 non-profit) is pleased to announce its inaugural round of grant funding. Specifically, the Foundation has been launched to further promote the cultural heritage of New Orleans through grants and assistance to musicians whose music is in this tradition. The Foundation seeks to assist those musicians whose work is in this style and do not have the resources to produce and distribute their work, or in some cases to actively create their music because they lack basic financial resources to sustain their lives.  The purpose of these grants is to support musicians in creating music projects to encourage and promote New Orleans music and cultural heritage.

Applications for funding are invited from individuals and organizations residing in the State of Louisiana that support Threadhead Records Foundation's mission of promoting the cultural heritage of New Orleans. Applications for Round 1 Grant Funding commence December 7, 2009 and close January 3, 2010. Notification of grant awards will be sent by letter and e-mail by January 15, 2010. The proposed activity funded by this grant must occur between February 1, 2010 and May 1, 2010.

Up to three grants will be funded in this cycle. The maximum amount of a grant request is $4,000. Grant awards may be for less than the amount requested.

For information on application forms and guidelines, and/or to make a donation to the Threadhead Records Foundation visit

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