Weather cooperates for fishing. Light wind forecast through Saturday. Tidal range is improving too. It is over a foot. Keep an eye to the sky for isolated showers or storms. Wind increases Saturday night to SW 10-15 knots.
Rain chances are low through Saturday. They begin to go up Sunday. Higher rain chances are forecast Monday and Tuesday as we pick up a stronger onshore flow. You will notice that humidity going up too.
There is a 10% chance tropical development for a non-tropical low near the Coast of NC. It will be moving onshore tonight. The main concern is rain for the Mid Atlantic Coast.
A tropical wave moving toward Trinidad has a 10% chance for tropical development. It is dealing with some wind shear and land interaction, so development is not likely.
Saharan dust is moving off the Coast of Africa and into the Atlantic. This dust will travel across the Atlantic, the Caribbean and into the Gulf. It should arrive in our area by Wednesday of next week and linger for a few days. Saharan dust is a good thing during Hurricane Season. It is made of a warm dry layer in the atmosphere and tends to diminish tropical activity. It also makes for amazing sunrises and sunsets. It is an issue though for people who have breathing issues, and air quality alerts may be possible depending on the rain forecast. Rain washes it out of the atmosphere.
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