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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Good boating weather [ Local Stories]

The boating forecast looks pretty good. Wind will be light through Saturday. Saturday night winds increase along the coast SW 10-15 knots. Tidal range is good too at over a foot. Just keep an eye to the sky for isolated rain or storms.

The less humid weather will be with us into Saturday, and then moisture begins to increase. Rain chances go up some Sunday, but we have a higher rain chance Monday and Tuesday.

Watching two areas in the tropics. The National Hurricane Center has a 10% chance development for a non-tropical low along the coast of NC, but it is moving onshore. The main issue will be more rain for the Mid Atlantic Coast.

A tropical wave east of Trinidad has a 10% chance tropical development. It is dealing with strong winds aloft and land interaction. It is unlikely to develop.

Saharan dust is moving into the Atlantic. it will cross the Atlantic into the Caribbean and into the Gulf. Looks like it will get into our area Wednesday into Thursday and linger a while. The Saharan dust is important because it diminishes the potential for tropical development. It also makes for beautiful sunrises and sunsets. It can be an issue for people with breathing problems. An Air Quality Alert may be possible. That will depend on the rain forecast.

Summer arrives Saturday at 4:43 pm in New Orleans.

from Local Stories

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